Neurogenetics of motivation for exercise

Rhodes, J.S. 2018. Neurogenetics of motivation for exercise. In Lightfoot T.J., Roth S., Hubal M. (eds) Rutledge Handbook of Sport and Exercise Systems Genetics, Taylor and Francis, 94-106.

Exploring Exercise- and Context-Induced Peptide Changes in Mice by Quantitative Mass Spectrometry

Dowd, Sarah; Mustroph, Martina; Romanova, Elena; Southey, Bruce; Pinardo, Heinrich; Rhodes, Justin; Sweedler, Jonathan. (2018) Exploring Exercise- and Context-Induced Peptide Changes in Mice by Quantitative Mass Spectrometry. ACS Omega. 3: 13817-13827.

Behavioral response to fiber feeding is cohort-dependent and associated with gut microbiota composition in mice.

Mailing L., Allen J., Brandt P., Rytych J., Sun Y., Bhattacharya T., Park P., Liu T., McCusker R., Swanson K., Fahey G.C., Rhodes J.S., Kelley K.W., Johnson R., Woods J. (2018) Behavioral response to fiber feeding is cohort-dependent and associated with gut microbiota composition in mice. Behavioural Brain Research. 359: 731-736.

Brain region-dependent gene networks associated with selective breeding for increased voluntary wheel-running behavior

Zhang P., Rhodes J.S., Garland T., Jr., Perez S.D., Southey B.R., Rodriguez-Zas S.L. (2018) Brain region-dependent gene networks associated with selective breeding for increased voluntary wheel-running behavior. PLOS ONE, In press.

Striatal transcriptome of a mouse model of ADHD reveals a pattern of synaptic remodeling

Sorokina A.M., Saul M., Goncalves T.M., Gogola J.V., Majdak P., Rodriguez-Zas S.L., Rhodes J.S. 2018. Striatal transcriptome of a mouse model of ADHD reveals a pattern of synaptic remodeling. PLOS one. 13(8).

Top-Down Proteomics Enables Comparative Analysis of Brain Proteoforms Between Mouse Strains

Davis, R.D., Park H.M., Kim K., Greer J., Fellers R., LeDuc R., Romanova E., Rubakhin S., Zombeck J., Wu C., Yau P., Gao P., VanNispen A., Patrie S., Thomas P., Sweedler J.V., Rhodes J.S., Kelleher N. 2018. Top-down proteomics enables comparative analysis of brain proteoforms between mouse strains. Analytical Chemistry.  90: 3802-3810.

A new perspective of the hippocampus in the origin of exercise–brain interactions

Rendeiro, C., Rhodes, J.S. 2018. A new perspective of the hippocampus in the origin of exercise-brain interactions. Brain Structure and Function. 223(6): 2527-2545.

Dynamic regulation of brain aromatase and isotocin receptor gene expression depends on parenting status

DeAngelis R., Dodd L., Snyder A., Rhodes J.S. (2018) Dynamic regulation of brain aromatase and isotocin receptor gene expression in Amphiprion ocellaris pairs depending on breeding status.  Hormones and Behavior. 103, 62-70.